Sophomore starts Harry Potter club at DHS
On Dec. 9, the Harry Potter club held its inaugural meeting virtually. The club, started by sophomore Ruby Skillman, is a place where students can come together as part of the worldwide Harry Potter community.
“I really just wanted to start a club where we could talk about something really fun that a lot of people are super passionate about,” Skillman said.
Skillman created the club as part of her sophomore year personal project. She got the idea to start the club after she found a lack of clubs at DHS that met her interests.
“Right now I have been feeling really isolated and I know a lot of other students have been feeling really isolated with virtual school. I started it so students can find commonalities with others to inspire interconnectedness,” Skillman said.
The meetings will consist of games, quizzes, trivia and discussions about the wizarding world of Harry Potter.
“[Harry Potter] is a big part of pop culture and so many people have seen it and are inspired by it. I for one love talking about it,” Skillman said.
Even though the meetings will be held virtually, where it is easy to feel isolated, Skillman plans to work hard to bring everyone in the club together as best as possible.
“It’s going to be harder to find activities that will be engaging especially since a lot of the activities that I wanted to do were crafting and watching the movies together which are more hands-on,” Skillman said.
For Skillman, it is important that this club continues after she graduates from DHS. Underclassmen members and in-depth planning will be vital to making this happen.
“I am going to be keeping files of my activities so that they can be reusable for next year and the years to come,” Skillman said.

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