Cracking down on egging

Khari Davis

Click on the links within the story to listen to their experiences with egging during Homecoming week.


In high schools across the country, homecoming week is filled with pranks. This year at Decatur, students experienced egging of their homes and cars during this festive week.

The eggings happened several times and even the police were involved for one incident. The eggings happened all throughout homecoming week and mostly at night. Eggings were a first for underclassmen and many were victims of the prank.

Sophomores like Molly Enloe and Elizabeth Swank experienced eggings.

On Wednesday night, two cars drove by and threw eggs and ketchup at Enloe’s house.  This prank caused some  property damage, the ketchup rusted the mailbox and the eggs left a stain on the door. Despite the fact that her dad was very mad and there was property damage,  Enloe still sees the fun in the egging.

“It is a little ridiculous because it’s like they are targeting your parents so it’s kind of disrespectful but it’s kind of funny too,” she said. She even went on to say “It’s almost better to throw eggs at people because then you are actually getting your friends as opposed to messing with their parents property.”

On Thursday night, sophomore, Elizabeth Swank was also egged while in a car with a group of underclassmen and upperclassmen. Swank and her friends were attacked ambush style with eggs.

“It was all a blur, they were yelling at us and all of sudden the next thing I knew there were eggs shattered on the window,” Swank said.

Swank also agrees with Enloe and understands that egging is a fun and playful prank to do during homecoming week.

“It’s been around for ages and I feel like it’s part of the experience and even my dad did it,” Swank said. “I think it’s good for us to have the same experiences it kind of connects everybody and it’s funny.”

However, underclassmen were not the only ones who experienced egging. Junior Thomas Hills’  house was also egged. Hills wasn’t mad at all and thinks egging is an acceptable homecoming prank.

“I think it’s just a part of homecoming week and it’s all in good fun,” Hills said.

Although, Swank, Enloe and Hills understand that the eggings are enjoyable and a big joke, not everyone took it well.

Police witnessed a car speed off from the house where the sophomore float was being built. The police came to the house to ask questions. Sophomore Spencer Harris was the one who talked  to the police.

“They asked us what happened and they asked can we describe the color of the car and who was in it,” Harris said.

The incident didn’t cause any arrests. However, for egging one can get charged for criminal trespass (property damage), and terroristic acts which is a felony.

“I just don’t think people should take it too far,” Hills said. “If [egg] someone that’s not cool with all these traditions you should just leave them alone.”

The impact of the eggings could have caused serious trouble with the law. Even though eggings are a big joke to students, the laughing can end very quickly.