Get your KNIT together
December 14, 2015
A somewhat unusual hobby is poking it’s way back into the halls of Decatur: knitting.
Creator of the at-home knitting club, sophomore Elizabeth Swank started the club because she decided it would be a good way to bring friends together and have a good time. She’s been surprised at the amount of success it’s had.
“Honestly it was just a joke at first,” Swank said. “But then a lot of people seemed interested in it, so why not keep it going? It’s a place where everyone can just come together and have a good time.”
Some members have recently begun to knit and are still working out the kinks, but others have been knitting for many years.
Ayston Scully learned how to knit at the Waldorf School of Atlanta in first grade before she learned how to read a book.

“My favorite part of knitting club is when new people come that don’t know how to knit. I can teach them how [to knit] which takes me back to when I first learned. Knitting is fun and special [to me],” Scully said.
The club is not held every week and rotates around different houses due to many members’ busy athletic schedules, but mainly it’s just a fun space for everyone to relax and let off steam.
Swank would love to have more members join to make it actually feel like a real club.
“Everyone is welcome if they know how to knit or not!” She said. “We have many capable teachers if members need to learn.”
If you are interested in joining, contact Elizabeth Swank and she can give you more details about where the meetings are held and what you need to participate.
Photos by Julia Verre