Ping Pong Club gains popularity
October 31, 2016
Grab your paddles and your competitive spirit. Students can now enjoy doubles ping pong in the purple hall Wednesdays after school. The current membership is only growing.
The Ping Pong Club officially began three years ago as alumnus Felix Poley’s sophomore project, but was exclusive to a small group of friends. Freshman at the time, Gabriel Kay, was only a part of it because of he knew the people inside.
Last year Poley and all of the original members graduated. Kay was the only one left. As a senior, Kay took it upon himself to reinvigorate the club.

However, as with any club, he needed a sponsor first.
Jesus Martinez, a former Spanish teacher at Decatur, was the original Ping Pong club sponsor. Once he realized he was moving schools, he wanted to find another sponsor to continue the club. He passed the baton to humanities teacher, Christopher Curtis.
“I love me some ping pong,” Curtis said.
Curtis has played against Martinez in ping pong on several occasions, it seemed natural for him to takeover. He agreed to be the sponsor of the club.
With a sponsor in hand, Kay began to invite some of his peer to join. After that news about the club has mostly traveled through word of mouth, so Kay hasn’t needed to advertise further.
“People have fun and tell their friends about it,” Kay said.
Now the Ping Pong Club is available for all to enjoy and membership has grown drastically. People come for the sport and the friendly environment, regardless of their skill level.
“It’s pretty relaxed,” newcomer Hannah Grant said, “some are competitive, but you don’t really feel the pressure.”
Despite growing concerns with the space in the purple hall, Curtis invites newcomers.
“There are no requirements to join Ping Pong Club,” he said. “All we ask is that newcomers don’t just come once.”