Decatur High School, GA

Decatur High School releases plan for online learning, meals for students

March 14, 2020

Backlash against the district's reopening plans culminated in a letter to the board.

Backlash against the district’s reopening plans culminated in a letter to the board.

In an update released on March 13, City Schools Of Decatur (CSD) and Decatur High School (DHS) outlined their plans for online education, assessment and a food service for students. The update from DHS also included a possible plan for students to retrieve personal belongings from DHS and is tentatively scheduled for Monday, March 16 and Wednesday, March 18.

Online Education and Assessments

According to the email, students will begin receiving review and/or enrichment activities on Wednesday, March 18. Students’ work will be posted on Google Classroom and Managebac. Teachers will utilize Google Classroom, Remind 101 and email to communicate with students. Teachers, who were given 3 days to finalize a plan for remote learning, will hold at least two office hours a day to “maintain consistent contact with students and families,” according to the DHS COVID-19 March 13 Update.

The suggested schedule for students’ pickups from DHS, by last name.

Healthy students who need to check out a Chromebook may do so Monday, March 16 and Wednesday, March 18, from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. Students may also retrieve personal  belongings from DHS on these dates. Administrators outlined a rough schedule for pickup times to reduce the number of students in the building.

International Baccalaureate (IB) has moved some of its internal and external assessments and IB coordinators at DHS will communicate these changes. As of March 13, no changes are planned for the Georgia Milestones Assessments or College Board testing in April and May. However, the Math End of Course assessment in March will be rescheduled and will be made up at Renfroe Middle School or DHS when school resumes.

According to the CSD COVID Update, CSD is currently unable to provide internet access to students. The email does, however, outline a series of suggestions to help families get access to the internet which can be found here.

Meal Access

Beginning Wednesday, March 18, all students will have the option to two meals a day from Decatur High School. Meals will be available daily from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and will include a cold breakfast and shelf-stable lunch. The price of meals will remain unchanged from the in-school prices and all approved free or reduced lunch applications will remain in effect. Students must be present to pick up their meals and this service will not extend to family members of the students. 

Reporting a COVID-19 Case

If someone in your household tests presumptive positive for COVID-19, the administration asks that you promptly reach out to Lead Nurse Shonda Moore at [email protected]. Please include their relationship to the district: whether they’re a student, staff member, or parent, etc.

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