
Local haunted house continues to scare trick-or-treaters.

December 2, 2016


Halloween is the one night of the year when people can let out their freaky feelings.

Tamara Jones, an avid Halloweener, believes Halloween is not just about candy. To her, this holiday has a deeper meaning.

“Halloween is so very different than any other holiday because it’s the one night of the year when you release all the things that scare you,” Jones said.

Jones and her partner Lynne Huffer love Halloween. They focus on the “trick,” rather than the “treat.”

“The door between the earth and hell is open… the barriers between this world and the next is the thinnest,” Jones said. She believes that Halloween is a time to look inside yourself and release the behaviors you’re supposed to control during the year.

“On Halloween it’s safe to let them out,” Jones said.

Growing up in Jamaica, Jones never experienced Halloween.  It was only when she moved to the United States that Huffer introduced her to the holiday and she started to appreciate Halloween.

“It’s important to play, to be like a kid,” Huffer said.

It is for this reason that the couple has set up a haunted house for the past three years.

Jones and Huffer have made a haunted porch where Jones is the main attraction.  Jones has a passion for dressing up in ghastly costumes to horrify onlookers.

“I think [Jones] is an artistic genius,” said Ashley Sheldon, a close friend of Jones and Huffer.  This was Sheldon’s first time coming to the house.

For Sheldon, this experience was exciting.  She was impressed by Jone’s “talented performance.”

The haunted porch is  very close to Renfroe Middle School, conveniently located to scare trick-or-treaters.

Halloween may seem like a kid’s holiday, but to some it has an underlying meaning.  For Huffer, this is when kids and adults express the feelings they keep bottled up all year.

As Huffer says, “It’s recognizing that we all have a little monster in us.”


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