Treasury releases new design plans
Recently, the Department of Treasury has decided to put a woman on the twenty dollar bill after many campaigns from groups like “Women on 20s.” The new face of the $20 bill will be Harriet Tubman.

Tubman was an abolitionist and escaped slave who dedicated her life to helping other slaves on the Underground Railroad before the Civil War. Tubman was also an active women’s suffragist after the Civil War.
According to Secretary of Treasury, Jack Lew, Tubman was chosen because of her impact on American history and public responses promoting her place on the $20 bill.

At first, the plan was to replace Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill, but public outcry from Hamilton fans convinced them to replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill instead.

The campaign brought attention to replacing Jackson rather than Hamilton because Jackson owned many slaves and passed legislation that forced Native Americans to move out West.
Lin-Manuel Miranda, creator and star of Broadway musical “Hamilton,” spoke with current Secretary of Treasury, Jack Lew, and convinced him to allow Hamilton to remain on the $10 bill.
Hamilton had also been gaining traction and popularity among many people with the success of the Broadway musical “Hamilton,” which shows the life of Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton, who helped establish the first national bank and the Federalist party.

Lew wrote an open letter displayed on the Department of Treasury website, that showed the success of Hamilton fans in keeping Hamilton on the $10 bill and women’s rights activists that said Tubman would be put on the $20 bill. The new $20 bill will also display a famous women’s rights protest in front of the Treasury building, while keeping Hamilton on the front.
Not only will the new money designs include women, there will also be a change to the back of the five dollar bill. The new bill will show civil rights events that have taken place at the Lincoln Memorial.
The new bills will be released in 2020, on the centennial anniversary of women’s suffrage.